This is available in two blends, either blend A or blend B.
Blend A is a gentle blend of herbs, it combines multiple pro-sleep & anti anxiety herbal ingredients. Drunk at bedtime it creates an overall calming experience that promotes sleepiness at the same time.
Some herbs like Passiflora & Chamomilla have a sedative effect, whilst others like Scutellaria helps to quiet the over thinking & busy mind.
Rosa has been used historically for centuries to reduce anxiety & induce a feeling of calmness of the heart.
Blend B is the same, althouh as some people dislike the taste of chamomilla, I have replaced this herb with Tilia instead, which has a pleasant taste & acts in a similar way to bring calmness whilst lowering anxiety.
Sloth Tea Dozy Down Time
Blend A: Passiflora incanarta (Passionflower), Camomilla recutita (Camomile), Scutellaria laeriflora (Skullcap), Rosa damascena (Rose)
Blend B: Passiflora incanarta (Passionflower), Tilia cordata (Linden/Limeflower), Scutellaria lateriflora (Skullcap), Rosa damascena (Rose)