Hand blended
herbal tea range
Story of Heartline Herbals
People have used herbal plants for over 2000 years to treat illness & restore good health, dating back to the De Materia Medica of Dioscorides written in the first century AD, where plants were used for their healing virtues.
Now modern herbal medicine combines traditional wisdom with the best of modern medicine & pharmacological understanding.
I have always loved plants & began to include some botanicals alongside the vitamin & mineral supplements that I prescribed in my practice working as a Nutritionist & Allergy Therapist. These results were so positive & rewarding that my curiosity grew, moving me towards gaining a deeper understanding & undertaking a degree to become a Medical Herbalist.
Medicinal plants commonly have several constituents working together catalytically to produce a combined effect that surpasses their individual activity. Therefore I have compiled 12 blends as herbal infusions, this is the simplest way to make a herbal remedy. Created from the dried leaves, flowers, seeds, spices & sometimes roots of the plants. These have been sourced ethically & 95% have been grown organically.
These blends can be enjoyed hot or cold for their flavours, refreshments & health benefits, or chosen more specifically to target their therapeutic effects.
Ruth Holmes SRN; SCM; MinstAT; Dip ION; Bsc(Hons); NIMH